CLASS XII-A , gave me a reason to create this blog , when Sonam Kothari asked,
Now, could that be a question a lot of you ask yourself every moment of the day , especially through the nagging sessions of your parenst and teachers ? It is a tough one to reply to though.The curious query darted into my sleepy head and shook me up...WHY ARE WE LIVING? Could I have answered that in a few words over a period of 45 minutes? Would I have been able to satisfy the already bored and tired bunch who could easily do without another sermon?
Hence this blog and my first attempt at showing you the road signs I collected on my way up the mountain. They may or may not make any sense to you. You may have to eventually find your own answers to such deep profound questions. Meanwhile learn to LIVE in this moment and live fully.
You are lucky you are not disabled to enjoy the wonder of life in anyway . You are lucky to be just alive and kicking . So don't worry yet about why you are living, just live and let all the answers come to you automatically!!! I mean keep driving that mountain path. Make your own beacons each time you pass a critical point , look back and reflect if it was a narrow escape. Learn to sharpen your eyes and steady your impulses as you drive up, along unknown bents and turns. Sharpen your skills and remain aware.It is great fun to DRIVE THROUGH LIFE LIKE THAT. Sooner or later you will discover a valley of flowers , a meadow with a meandering river , or just the sheperds with their flock of sheep.The wonder and beauty of life will take away your breath suddenly and you would want to stop and watch the sunset or sit by the mountain stream and forget you had to go any further... and just then you may have to remind yourself " But I have promises to keep and miles to go before I sleep and miles to go before I sleep "
By the way don't forget The Only People That Are Truly Disabled Are the Ones with No Imagination. I am sure you know of paraplegics who haven't stooped themselves from living and doing everything from climbing the highest mountains to fording the widest seas. Ever wondered what it is that give them that amazing zest for life. What is their inspiration?
Hmm that thing is called ATTITUDE. Yes Karan Narang was right when he said “IT IS A INDIVIDUAL THING”. Even I think so. Infact If you ask me I will tell you LIFE IS 10% WHAT HAPPENS TO you AND 90% HOW you REACT TO IT and that is why life is so different for different people.If you notice 1) We cannot change our past 2) We can’t change our genes 3) We cannot change the fact that people will act in a certain way The only thing we can do therefore is keep OUR ATTITUDE from getting into a muddle of confusion and change it whenever we can to help us live more fully.
Ask yourself Are You Filling Your Bucket With Sunny Thoughts Or Debris?Do you know we all have an invisible bucket within us which has so much space in it that it has a tendency to look for something ( anything) to fill it up with. We would love to have a lot of sunny thoughts togo in there because that makes the bucket really light and easy for us to carry but when we don’t find enough of that , we consciously or unconsciously fill it up with debris and mud instead making it harder for us . And that is precisely when our life seems a burden A BIG BURDEN and a BORING THING…You have to just look for a lot of sunny light happy moments and then replace the debris with it. It is easy. You just have to look for it. It is all around… Start today and see the big difference it makes.
I read this story somewhere. Let me share it with youTo a woman who complained about her destiny the Master said, "It is you who make your destiny.""But surely I am not responsible for being born a woman?""Being born a woman isn't destiny. That is fate. DESTINY IS HOW YOU ACCEPT YOUR WOMANHOOD AND WHAT YOU MAKE OF IT."You may like to read some books that talk about "attitude building" . I will post a list here on the books avaialbale in the AWC library. ATTITUDE IS EVERYTHING by JEFF KELLER is a good book if you can get your hands on it. It talks about your Your Attitude as Your Window to the World; How you are You're A Human Magnet and can attract good feelings and good times;How you must programme your mind and Picture Your Way to Success; How you must Make a Commitment and learn to Move Mountains; How You will turn your Problems into Opportunities; How You must Stop Complaining and start living; and Associate with Positive People; Confront Your Fears and Grow; and also Get Out There and Fail...So where are we? Do we agree then that "YOUR WORLD IS ONLY A MIRROR OF YOU." ...WHAT YOU GIVE OUT COMES BACK TO YOU EVENTUALLY, IN ONE FORM OR ANOTHER!” or that LIFE CAN BE AS GOOD AS YOU "WILL" IT TO BE!! You are the architect of your life. So what are you waiting for … do something today that will make your life suddenly seem wonderful, beautiful and an amazing miracle? Go ahead let your attitude open the window to that life.TAKE AN ATTITUDE QUIZ HERE
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