Sunday, July 16, 2006


You asked me a question, which I am not sure if I fully comprehended. I sensed your disillusionment though. “WHY IS THERE SO MUCH IGNORANCE “, you asked “WHY SO MUCH RESISTANCE TO CHANGE”…That was the most profound question I had heard in the whole day and you made a immediate impression on me. They say “Quality questions create quality life”, and I believe in it. The quality of your life is dependent on the quality of questions you continually ask yourself, consciously and subconsciously and the fact that your little head is already ticking with such powerful emotions amazed me no end.
I wrote in one of the columns how Rahul Mahajan’s close shave with death shook me up with the same disillusionment perhaps you feel right now…Why such ignorance? WHY WHY WHY ? What neglect, what lack of attention or sheer laziness can lead people to throw away their lives and live in blissful ignorance. Where do they think they will end up someday, living such a meaningless shallow life? Or don’t they know? What ignorance is this? How do we dispel it? It is horrifying, it is shocking to read about the extent of the corroding effect of substance abuse on our youths. It is absolutely shattering to see how AID gallops at a geometric progression and threatens to swamp the youthful vitality all around with its menacing tentacles…Yet how do we stop the fireflies from flying into the fire? Why have they chosen such a destiny for themselves? Was that what you asked me Prateek?
Well for one I think I know what’s killing them. The apparent cause maybe anything- drug, aids, religious fundamentalism…But the real cause is LIMITING BELIEFS.Yes our lack of faith in ourselves is the only enemies we must fight against if we have to survive the ravages of time. OUR FEARS ,OUR DOUBTS,OUR GUILTS , all keep us moving towards AWARENESS from IGNORANCEWE ALL ACT OUT OF OUR BELIEFS. Do you believe in that ? For instance someone who achieves BIG results must have had some BIG dreams and big beliefs.Someone who achieves small results never dared to go beyong the first hurdle because of his limiting beliefs. To have BIG, UNLIMITING BELIEFS then we need to plant such beliefs into our conscious and subconscious mind. Sometimes we may need to rehaul the whole thinking pattern with a set of powerful beliefs into our consciousness. You will ask me if it is that simple then why don't we all think big? What stopping us? What indeed?
In order to value our life enough ; inorder to believe we can indeed empower ourselves ; in order to live a meaningful life WE HAVE TO FEEL GOOD ABOUT OURSELVES.Not everyone feels good about themselves. That is the saddest thing. It is the single most devastating belief that starts the whole chain of limiting actions.
Anyone with a low self esteem must do this exercise with me to understand what I am saying. Repeat to yourself I AM WORTHY of doing great things, bringing about enormous changes in my life and that of others. I AM POWERFUL because I CAN CHANGE THE WAY I THINK AND FEEL . I CAN CHOOSE TO BE HAPPY.I KNOW EVERYTHING I NEED IS WITHIN ME- I AM EMPOWERED TO DO ANYTHING I SET MY HEART TO.YES AND I CAN HANDLE A LITTLE PAIN AND DISAAPPOINTMENT AND STRUGGLE ALONG MY PATH.EVERY HURDLE IS AN OPPORTUNITY IN DISGUISE. I KNOW IT WILL ALLOW ME TO PROVE TO MYSELF THAT I AM STRONGER THAN ANY LIMITING BELIEF.Make this your prayer for the next one month and tell me if you don’t feel a difference in the way you feel about yourself and the things around you. Believe me, "A man is but a product of his thoughts. What he thinks he becomes."The small act of believing in oneself has seen miracles happen.
LISTEN TO THIS SHORT STORY i picked up from coach Zev's site .
On May 6, 1954 something happened that changed the way millions of people think about human potential forever.You see for many many years it was believed that no one can run a mile in less than 4 minutes. Thousands of runners had tried it but no one wasable to do it.Roger Bannister refused to accept this limiting belief. He told himself that it IS possible; and that someone like him could do it. He planted beliefs (which were like seeds in his head) that he could run a mile in less than 4 minutes. And what do you think these seeds produced?A result, a powerful result. Because on May 6, 1954 Roger Bannister ran a mile in 3 minutes and 59.4 seconds.But it gets better!Because six weeks later John Landy from Australia ran a mile in 3 minutes and 58 seconds!But it gets even better!Because in the following ten years many many more runners broke this so-called "impossible" 4 minute mile barrier. Why did this happen? Because Bannister shattered the belief that the four minute mile was impossible. And when that belief fell... the 4-minute mile suddenly became possible.
BELIEVE IN YOURSELF and believe that you carry the seed of empowerment within you. Spread it around. Make people sit up , awaken from their slumber. Let them embrace themselves and realise WHAT A WONDERFUL LIFE WE CAN LIVE JUST BY CHOOSING TO LIVE THAT WAY...Go ahead Prateek be a torch bearer , throw light where there is darkness, dispel gloom and bring about hope, gather your friends around you and start a revolution ...Against Ignorance.Where the mind is without fear and the head is held high Where knowledge is freeWhere the world has not been broken up into fragmentsBy narrow domestic wallsWhere words come out from the depth of truthWhere tireless striving stretches its arms towards perfectionWhere the clear stream of reason has not lost its way Into the dreary desert sand of dead habitWhere the mind is led forward by thee Into ever-widening thought and actionInto that heaven of freedom, my Father, let my country awake (Rabindranath Tagore)


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